Thursday, July 14, 2016

Real Generations

From TL and down and around 1st VP Cecil  Mader,  Lauren  Allan,   Nory Abrahamson, Secretary Ashley Burmaster, Tammy Allen,  President  Ken Allen,   Treasurer Charlie Stansel

When Selah Valley Lions President Ken Allen conducts business at his club he epitomizes the Serving Generations concept of  growing an active vibrant club. It starts with family. Look at the shot above, Lauren is his daughter, Nory is his mother in law, Ashley is his daughter and Tammy is his wife. Just off camera is Past President Mike King whose daughter Teresa and son in law Chris are members. Generations!

Selah Valley is like your club. It's busy opening a Teen Center, participates in the town parade, supports bowling for the disabled, is involved in White Cane Days, participates in activities of nearby clubs and the list goes on. Like any club there is a core group of members that plan service and get service done. In Ken's case that core is mostly comprised of real generations of his own family. These guys are great!

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