Last week VDG Crystal Walk and I rolled the countryside for 1,197 miles conducting 4 official visits and one stargazing mission. The Lions we met were great, their clubs were doing great things and everyone was either down right friendly or pleasantly respectful. Somewhere, I know we may meet an angry Lion but it sure hasn't happened so far...
The Wapato Lions meet with Wapato City officials as they finalize plans for the 70th Annual Wapato Harvest Festival. The September 5th event starts off with a parade at 10 AM and moves to the park for bouncy houses, food and cultural entertainment.
(L to R) Lion President David Patterson, new Lions Jon Eberly and Joni Ashley Eberly and sponsors David and Tracy and Berry participate as District Governor Dave Walk officiates their new member induction ceremony.
Yakima Lions President Kathy Birdwell presents DG Dave Walk with a check from the Yakima Lions in support of Leader Dogs. Dave is caught gawking at the $2,500 amount written on the check.
The West Valley Yakima Lions are home to PDG Bill Shepherd and PDG Lonnie Morgan and a healthy appreciation for Lions traditions. They recite the Lions Pledge and Lions Prayer before each meeting, all wear name badges and Lions shirts, and they even stand and applaud the visiting District Governor. Yet, they are fun enough to break into a chorus of Gilligan's Island when the situation calls for it.
There is something comforting about a town that lists their churches and service clubs on their welcome sign. Goldendale is a delightful town full of friendly people, good restaurants and an Astronomical Observatory. Crystal and I enjoyed meteor watching there on Friday night.