Vice District Governor Crystal Walk is a Lion with remarkable grace, patience, skills and talent. Unlike most Vice District Governors, hers is not a wait until next year job.
During the Lions 99th year she has so far made 32 of 33 District Governor 19F club visits, planned the March 10-11, 2017 19F Conference in Walla Walla, managed the sale of the new purple shirts for the conference, and collected and disbursed the donations of clubs to our Lions causes.
She helps keep the DG awake and in his lane on the country roads, cooks for cabinet meetings, researches members and service activities for the clubs we are visiting and by the way she's an artist. The three Lions acrylic paintings you've scrolled through will be among the auction items at our District Conference in March.
On our visit to the Harrington Lions when we were tag teaming our description of the upcoming conference one of the members, no doubt amazed at Crystal's perspicacity, decided to rib me a bit and asked, "Who is in charge here?" I paused a minute for effect and double negatived my reply as I nodded toward her, "She's not unbright!"
The Vice District Governor is very bright. VDG Crystal will be a magnificent District Governor for the 100th year anniversary 2017-2018 Lions year.