At the USA Canada Forum last weekend Naresh, our Lions International President, was speaking to about 1400 Lions over a meal. I was gnawing on a hunk of bread slathered with orange paprika butter when he said something like, "If every Lion would bring in a new Lion..." and just then a paprika flake sent my taste buds soaring and my mind off somewhere else and I lost most of the rest of what he was saying.
3 days later while chauffeuring the DG back from a visit to Asotin, Naresh's words popped back into my brain and I tried to start a conversation with DG Crystal about how amazing what he said really was... What if every Lion would bring in a new lion this year? We tossed it around for a few miles while my tired eyes scanned the road shoulders for deer and badgers.
Just how would bring in a Lion work? Think this through with me, please.
I could commit to personally finding a new Lion! Actually, it happened the next day when a 20-something named Zach said he'd like to join my club. Yikes! Twilight Zone music out of nowhere and As a man thinketh slogans slowly roll across my mind.
Maybe you could get your son to join? Tell him it's time to do what a man should do in the world. Maybe someone else would invite their niece or nephew to a service project and tell them truthfully that their help is needed to change their community and the world.
Another Lion could look over his barbed wire fence and strike up a Lions conversation with the guy in the next field. Stranger things have happened.
Naresh has nailed it! "If every Lion would bring in a new Lion.." we wouldn't be listening to tired people griping about how the same 5 Lions do all the work on their club's projects.
"If every Lion would bring in a new Lion.." it would be so much more fun watching an ancient Tail Twister trying to remember everyone's names.
"If every Lion would bring in a new Lion.." there would be more support for Little League teams, soccer teams, band trips, FFA and 4H and Scout Troops.
"If every Lion would bring in a new Lion.." our contributions to LCIF and Leader Dogs and Care and The Northwest Lions Foundation would double.
"If every Lion would bring in a new Lion.." there would be more new officers and van loads of people visiting clubs and going to conferences.
"If every Lion would bring in a new Lion.." the old guys could quit worrying about their club existing after they pass on.

At that point, if you are a good Sergeant, you translate it for your troops, get on with the mission and take the objective.