Conference Update
A scheduled highlight of the March 10th and 11th 19F Conference in Walla Walla is Saturday’s two hour Lunch on your Own break. Bill Lake, Walla Walla Downtown Lions, has gotten dollar off coupons for every Lion at the Conference who wants to visit the Fort Walla Walla Museum during their free time. Bill volunteers at the Museum.
A Special Tribute
Lions who serve for decades are the backbone and wisdom of the clubs in our district. When they pass on their legacy is remembered and cherished as long as people who breathed the same air they did survive. We mourn the loss of and celebrate the incredible accomplishments of one of our greatest Lions, Marge Shepherd, who passed away this February. She was 85. Marge served her community as a Yakima West Valley Lion for over 37 years. She held offices as Treasurer, President and Zone Chairperson, Secretary/Treasurer ,Secretary and as 19-F Cabinet Secretary. Marge was three time co-winner of the Secretary of the year Award. Marge served the district for 12 years as the 19-F Peace Poster Chair . She was a Progressive Melvin Jones Fellow. Marge attended 19 International Conventions and 9 US Canadian Forums. She received the International Leadership Medal and Medal of Merit along with many other distinguished awards. She served as Trustee of the Northwest Lions Foundation Sight and Hearing Foundation and International Lions Club Peace Poster for 15 years. She earned 8 International President Certificates and 3 Lion of the Year awards. She also served on the board and acted as treasurer for the last 5 years for Cub Scout Pack 214. Her last position with District 19F was that of Co-District Historian serving along side her husband of 57 years, Lion Bill Shepherd.
One Final Reminder
As you arrive at the Marcus Whitman Hotel in Walla Walla and get your conference registration packets on Friday March 10th from 3:00 PM to 6 PM or Saturday March 11th from 7:15 AM until 12 PM , please bring your auction items and baskets. We appreciate your generosity with this tradition that is both exciting and worthwhile. Also, remember to bring canned goods and dry goods contributions for a Food Bank.