Paul Kauzlarich, Secretary of the Naches Lions, touts a magnificent plan that he's been telling people about for years. Actually, it is Roger Richert's plan. He told me about it last year and it is now one of the three 19F District Action Plans. It's my hope that 7 clubs out of our 46 clubs will give his plan a try.
He looked me right in the eye last year and said, "I can guarantee that any club that will work this plan will have at least five new members join their club!" He said it with confidence and absolute surety.
Following the plans guidelines exactly, the Lions of Naches did preliminary work for a couple of months prior to their big night set for the 28th of July, 2016 On that night the Naches Lions Club and the Naches Sunshine Lions conducted an Open House. 18 guests attended the meeting. Everyone in the clubs did their part to help make the evening enjoyable and productive.
Today, I took the time to check the membership numbers for the District and then particularly for the Naches Lions. Five new members have joined the Naches Lions and one new member has joined the Naches Sunshine Lions, thus far.
Paul Kauzlarich is our 19F District Membership Chairman (GMT) and he will go anywhere and do what needs to be done to help the cause of Lionism. Do your club a favor. Google Search - MD19 Membership Manual and Open House - read A History of MD 19 "Open House" Program and then give Paul a call or send him an email.
Listen to his advice. He is a great Lion.