During the 2016-2017 Lions year William Shepherd, William Evans, Tracy Berry, Todd Inverson, Thomas Case, Teri Sanchez, Ted Cowan, Steven Watt, Stephen Diaz, Sharon Ireland, Sharon Harris, Shane Strohmaier, Russell Craig Biggam, Ronald Freeze, Ronald Brookshire, R A Kinch, Phillip Smith, Paul Eimers, Mike Kline, Mike Heston, Mike Doyle, Michael Ingham, Michael Himmelberger, Melissa Thiessen, Melba Fujiura, Mary Rightmire, Mary Cady, Marty Close, Marlon Shaffer, Mark Wagoner, Mark Boehne, Marion Blank, Marie Vogel, Lloyd Stoess, Liz Fuller, Linn Pemberton, Les Davies, Leroy Watson, Leor Ish-Shalom, Larry Carlton, Kevin House, Ken Roberts, Ken Buley, Kay Packer, Kay Metz, Josh Knodel, Josette Nebeker, John Menter, John McGowan, John Kenney, Jim Schmidt, Jim Reiner, Jessica Herron, Jenny Kostroff, Jeff Blackmer, Jason Hulett, Jared Arnzen, Jan Mcelroy, James Remacle, James Kemp, Glen Mendel, Francis Wolf, Erma Kemp, Edward Wemhoff, Earl Fordham, Dulce Kersting, Duane Le Tourneau, Dorris Walker, Donna Stoess, Donna Konen, Derrick Laird, David Wooten, David Berry, Dave Mcgraw, Crystal Walk, Carol Butterfield, Candy Delagasse, Calvin Dudney, Buck Romeike, Bruce Sauer, Brian McElroy, Brenik Iverson, Ashley Burmaster, Andrew Ottoson, Andrew Butterfield and Alexander Navarro all sponsored new Lions into their clubs. You Guys Are Great!
The new members sponsored by them include Jennifer Crow - Craigmont, Chad Crow - Craigmont, Adora Carlton - West Valley, Kathryn Webb - West valley, Mike Buckley - Touchet Gardena, Crystal Hill - College Place, Christopher Pereyda - College Place, Larry Carlton - West Valley, Edenia Urenda - West Valley, Debbie Heath - West Valley, Kirman Broadbent - Prescott District, Robert Bradley - Touchet Gardena, Justin Deford - Grangeville, Ben Majetich - West Richland Red Mountain, Cynthia Majetich - West Richland Red Mountain, Matthew Howell - West Valley, Layne Harris - Kendrick, Melvin Sonnen - Cottonwood, John Rightmire - Zillah, David Spencer - Clarkston, Lane Hannas - Lind, Branden Aby - Lind, Michael Funk -Lind, David Weisel - Clarkston, Brian Weisel - Clarkston, Fred Stevens - Grangeville, Larry Stephenson - West Richland Red Mountain, Diana Stephenson - West Richland Red Mountain, Megan Newell - Tieton, Mark Pickel - Waitsburg, Marie Dymkoski - Pullman, Matthew Imbrock -Tieton, mike Ayers - Kahlotus, Charles Watkins - Odessa, Ryan Lewis - Odessa, Kyle Hagen - Kennewick, Joe Jacobs - Troy, Debbie Jacobs - Troy, Forrest Gilchrist - Troy, Natalie Gilchrist - Troy, Kennith Capello - Potlatch, Kayla Klingele - Selah Valley, Joel Klingele - Selah Valley, Jennifer Gonzales - Moscow Central, Beronica Velasquez - College Place, Mary Mcinturff - College Place, Tess Ish-Shalom, West Valley, Kevin Starring - Lind, George Dress - Kennewick, Robert Trimble -Yakima, Sarah Hatfield - Craigmont, Lee Chism -Kahlotus, Bernice Shoemaker - Lewiston, Jim Nelson - Kahlotus, William Wolkenhauer - Troy, James Yerbich - Kahlotus, Chris Thomas - Kahlotus, Susan Chism - Kahlotus, Jessica Herron - Kahlotus, Dave Simmons -Wapato, Carolyn Sliger - Moscow Central, Jonathon Krenz, Moscow Central, Sara Cossio - Prescott District, Dusty Fox - Prescott District, Tylor Ray - Prescott District, Logan Larson - Troy, Daniel Crandall - Moscow Central, Wayne Miller - Washtucna, Kriss Bottino - Washtucna, Roy McKenzie - Washtucna, Marcia Gulley - Washtucna, Darrel Gulley - Washtucna, Val Widmer - Washtucna, Caitlin Charnley-Ovens -College Place, Teresa Asman - Potlatch, Gene Gossett - Walla Walla Eastgate, Dan Lustig - Grangeville, Paul Kimball - Lind, Walter Crow - Lind, Ron Hostetler - Asotin, R Ahler - Waitsburg, Robert Maxwell -pullman, Brennan wright - Grangeville, Joe Kuther - Cottonwood, Rob Gifford - Naches, Thomas Clark - Odessa, Kathleen Warren - Clarkston, John Bailey - Dayton, Gwen hoxie - Chinook Pass, Adam Colbert -Ritzville, Gary Skaro - Ritzville, Kim Freeze - Naches, Hanna Urlacher - Naches, Gail Welch - Naches, Dustin Frisvold - Lind, Gavin Morse - Lind, Laura Reed - Naches Sunshine, Martha Conradt - Sunnyside, Kendra Evans - Lewiston, John Eberly - Benton city, Joni Ashley Eberly- Benton City, Karen cCaffrey - Whitepine, Frances Miller - Pullman, Chris Richardson - Pullman, Tara Lew - Moscow Central, John Anderson -Naches, Marcia Anderson - Naches, Dale Cadwallader - Naches, Bill Davis - Naches, Patty Davis - Naches, Diane haun - Naches Sunshine, Andrew Nicholas - Moscow Central, Mitcheu Bryant - West Richland Red Mountain,Tonie Bryant - West Richland Red Mountain, Jeffrey Britz - West Valley, Leah Britz - West Valley, Bette-Jo Fordham - Kennewick, Robert McNaughton - Kennewick, and Mary Ellen Robinson - Wapato.
The Lions statistic I most love to quote says that for every new member who joins a club 50 new people benefit in their town by that Lion's service to the community. What a wonderful thing to think about! You Guys are Great!