Friday, August 5, 2016


When the mud slides off a mountain like at Oso, WA or a mountain blows up or a fire devastates a valley or even a town the Lion District ALERT Team helps mobilize volunteers, gather resources, and apply LCIF emergency grant money. ALERT relieves pain, provides food, clothing, shelter and just plain helps do what needs to get done.  Up until Wednesday our District 19F had no ALERT Chairperson.

Sean Marcellus has been a Clarkston Lion since February 2015 and has just become 1st Vice President of the Clarkston Club. When presented with VDG Crystal’s pre-meeting fact sheet about the great things that our Lions support and do, Sean scanned the sheet and said, “I want to learn all this.” 

Chatting with Sean, I discovered what he really meant was that he wanted training for his new 1VP job. I promised to start him off with a coupled of online resources. We told him there would be more officer training at the 19F District Conference. His Zone Chair Marie Vogel and District Trainers Larry Carley and Ret Stewart will put all the icing on his training cake that Sean can handle. Great volunteers, all!

The Clarkston Club is a jovial, salt of the earth bunch of service oriented Lions. They tease and banter like a big family at a holiday dinner but like a great family they pull together when it matters. After the Serving Generations presentation was complete, Sean, Ken Roberts and others were helping with the breakdown while Crystal was counting contributions to the 5 causes. Sean looked at the four cookie jars with the bills and coins. He smiled and asked if we could wait for a few minutes while he ran home to get his change jar to make an additional contribution to the Leader Dogs. Sure we could!

Returning shortly, Sean presented Lion Crystal a huge coin filled jar with $149.41 worth of quarters nickels, dimes and one penny. Sean explained that about once of year he directed his collected pocket change to a good cause. Wow! That's change that matters.

While we all were carting gear to our van, the conversation led to higher level service in Lions. I allowed that Sean could one day be District Governor. Crystal pointed out that he would need to serve on the District cabinet before that happened. 

You know what happened. 

Meet Lion Sean Marcellus, our District’s new ALERT Chairperson.

Clarkston 1VP Sean Marcellus receives his Key Membership pin from Clarkston Lion President Cathy Bailey

You guys are great!

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