Thursday, October 20, 2016

We Like It Up Here

In Nezperce, Club  President Brian Kirkland greeted me at the curb. Having been awed on the way in by a fiery sunset over immaculate golden wheat fields I commented on the beauty of his place. After a pause, Brian smiled and said, "We like it up here."

The Nezperce club has bridged the generation gap with 9 of its 34 members under 40 years old. The meeting I dropped in on was two weeks before their 10th Annual Combine Demolition Derby. In about 45 minutes they ran through a punch list of 19 things that still had to happen so the Derby could take place. The young men of the group took those assignments on without griping and with a good measure of cheer and camaraderie.

At the meeting's conclusion Brian and several other club members invited me to come back to the Nezperce for Combine Derby. They were being polite and I could tell they really didn't expect me to make the 3 hour drive.

Nezperce Lion President Brian Kirkland

Surprise! It showed on their faces when VDG Crystal and I walked up to the flat bed trailer reviewing stand in the rodeo fairgrounds arena. The surprise turned to smiles and then to graciousness as they invited us up on to the platform to sit next to event emcees in what was the closest seat to the unfolding Combine Demolition Action...

... It was close enough to get dusted when the racing grain trucks rushed by, 

close enough to feel the shock wave of the impact of combines smashing into each other, 

close enough to watch the hail of numbered tennis balls aimed at the coffer of a grain harvester and close enough to see the delight on the faces of children and teens in broom horse races....

... and close enough to use our cells & Ipad to make you this video.

 Clink the Link

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