Tuesday, December 20, 2016

The Ayes Have It!

 Lions are a lot alike in a lot of ways - you know... salt of the earth, patriotic characters who care for their towns like a big dog cares for a his prized soup bone. Lions are generous souls and that soul extends into their pockets and wallets as they continually put their service money where their mouths are.


Near the end of our Serving Generations show we pass around the now infamous 4 sectioned "dog bowl" and members take out their change and ones and fives and the occasional tens and twenties and chip in. Good causes are good causes and Lions are good people and those donations are collectively turning into a pretty good stash of cash.

Clarkston Lions Sean Marcellus and Cathy Bailey

It's the unusual donations that stick out in the memory... Clarkston's Lion Sean Marcellus asking us to stick around while he went home to get his spare change jar that contained more than $100 in silver coins...Yakima President Cathy Birdwell passing on a $2,500 check made out to Leader Dog's through us...

DG Dave Walk and Yakima President Kathy Birdwell

                                                                                    ...and Potlatch Lion Phillip Smith turning over his club's ongoing Leader Dog change jar into our care. On several occasions Lions have come up to us after the dog bowl had made its way around the room and handed us personal checks. All good memories from all good Lions. Thank you one and all.

Lind Lion Bill Wills

                                                          This December, sandwiched between snow storms in the frozen town of Lind, WA, I got interrupted during my asking for donations spiel by 85 year old Lion Bill Wills. Lion Bill apologized for cutting in and then made a motion that the club make a donation as a whole rather than each of the members digging into their pockets.


Another Lind Lion seconded it and when someone asked "How much?" another Lion allowed that $50 in each of the 4 charity's "bowls" would be a good idea. "All in favor?" asked President Taylor Kerr and the Ayes had it unanimously. I could not quite make out who had done the seconding and amending but when Robert's Rules are going your way why kick the sugar bear?


Another good memory!

Thank you, Lind Lions. Thank you to all of you 19F Lions everywhere who donate your time and money in service to your world.

You Guys are Great!

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